
‘Down Again’

‘God wants a relationship that is built over time and that will last forever. He doesn’t want a relationship where you show up only when you need something. He wants to be invited in during the good and the bad times, during the up and the down times.’

–Civilla M. Morgan

Available on or Our Website.

Down Again - Book
Civilla Morgan Speaker

’31 Days of Encouragement’

Day Two: ‘You are beautiful just the way you are, ‘nothing missing, nothing broken.’ Regardless of what body parts may be missing, God loves you. ‘Nothing missing, nothing broken’, repeat that phrase every time you feel down. ‘Nothing missing, nothing broken’, repeat.’

–Civilla M. Morgan

Available on Our Website.

31 Days of Encouragement

Blueprint for your Goals and Visions

Do you have plans for the year that even your closest friends might call just crazy or ridiculous?

Anything family and friends may try to talk you out of doing? Write them down. Write them down!
And I have the perfect place for you to do just that!
I created a Goals List Blueprint that has been worked on and tweaked for years, and I would love to share it with you.

Available on Our Website.
