When I was in my 20’s, I did some stupid stuff. Yes, I can hear that collective sigh as most of you think to yourselves, ‘that would be most of us’. But one thing stands out as the dumbest thing I did in that decade of my 20’s. I bought a manual shift car. What was stupid about that? I did not know how to drive a manual shift. To this day I do not remember how I made it home from the dealership.
I remember thinking to myself though, ‘it can’t be that difficult can it?’ When I asked my Dad to give me a few pointers, he did just that and then I was on my own. I distinctly remember hearing him grumble as he walked away, ‘who buys a car without knowing how to drive it?’
Every morning when I went out I looked into the car, expecting it to have changed from a manual shift to an automatic. When I realized it was still a manual shift, my stomach would sink. I conceded that it was a dumb idea, but I had no choice now. I would have to learn. I cannot tell you the amount of times I stalled in traffic, how many times I was cursed for holding up traffic, or how many times I begged God to help me!
Life is like that. We make mistakes: we spend too much money and then have buyers remorse. We get into and stay in a relationship that was not God ordained. We move to another city or job when deep down we know we should have stayed where we were, or at least waited. We buy a car we do not know how to drive. Then we ask God to get us out of the situation! Guess what, He seldom does. He will go through with us. He will protect us through the journey of the mistake, but remove us from it, seldom.
What I love about these learning experiences is that they strengthen us. Some of our mistakes take years to fix, sometimes even a lifetime. But when we trust in God, He will go through the valley with us. “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”–Psalm 23:4.
A few years after I learned to drive a manual shift, I taught my youngest sister. She did not think she would learn either, but she did indeed learn. In fact, my Dad mentioned once that she drove better that I did! My Dad is a comedian. I decided to take that as a compliment. I learned from my bad decision and was able to teach someone else from that mistake.
Today, all these years later, I recently bought a new vehicle. I needed a change, so it is a manual shift. Yes, I am enjoying the change, and every once in a while I think about the silly decision that brought me to having a choice as to what kind of vehicle I can drive. Should we all go out and do dumb stuff expecting to learn from it? No, I would not take that chance, but I know when we trust and believe in God, He will take us through.
Don’t beat yourself up over your mistakes, stupid decisions, dumb stuff; whatever you want to call it. Definitely think first. Pray first. Count to 10. Do whatever you have to do to avoid that wrong decision. But know that God does not abandon His children when we do dumb stuff. I thank Him for that!