Personal poll-taker

I am a personal poll-taker.  What is a personal poll-taker you
ask?  I like to ask people certain questions during the course of
conversation then make a mental note of their answer.  I have learned
quite a bit over the years about human nature.  We are more alike than we
want to admit.  Most of us believe we are so individualistic there is
no one else like us on the planet, and of course to some extent that is
true.  No one has the same fingerprint after all.  I find that
amazing!  But what I am referring to is the fact that we all bleed red
blood.  We all feel hurt and pain, we all want to live a good life, and we
all desire respect. 

There is one poll where I don’t ask questions however.  I just observe.  Please note the word observe.  I do not judge, I observe.  When we find ourselves in serious trouble:
health issues, financial problems, marital problems, and the list goes on; to
whom do we turn?  I’ve noticed that in
the aftermath of horrible events such as thousands killed in earthquakes,
terrible tornadoes, debilitating hurricanes, and monsoons, many people turn to
God.  We turn to Him directly if we are Christ
followers and for those who are not, they show up to church for a few Sundays in
the aftermath or they ask Christ-following friends to pray for them. 

What does this have to do with my poll-taking?  I like to see who sticks with God and who forgets
once the storm has passed.  Do you see
why I said in the beginning that I observe I do not judge?   It’s not rocket science to watch how people
live before, during, and after a time of testing.  Some people go back to life as they knew it
and others decide they want to continue a relationship with God, with Jesus

No, all of our problems do not go away once we have a relationship with
Christ, but life is put into perspective and we have someone to turn to at all times.  Not just when times are bad.  We talk to Him and thank Him during the good
times as well.  That’s what relationship
is.  It’s not different because it’s with
Jesus.  Any relationship would suffer or die
if it were not maintained.  In fact, most
of us would be upset if we had a friend who only showed up or called when they
needed something.  How about you?  Is it back to life as usual once the trial is


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